Review our Frequently Asked Questions here.! Why Animal Rights?

  • Almost all of us grew up eating meat, wearing leather, and going to circuses and zoos. We never considered the impact of these actions on the animals involved. For whatever reason, you are now asking the question: Why should animals have rights?
  • ->Animals are Not ours to eat
  • ->Animals are not ours to wear
  • ->Animals are not ours to experiment on
  • ->Animals are not ours to use of entertainment
  • ->Animals are not ours to abuse in any way


  • What is Humane Education?

  • Humane education is about learning to respect and care for the animals in our environment, communities and homes. It is about encouraging kindness, respect and empathy for both humans and animals. Most importantly, humane education strives to establish a sense of responsibility, making the world a better, more humane place.

  • Why Encourage Humane Education for Children?

  • SCAN FOUNDATION believes that learning how to be a responsible pet owner and a friend to animals begins at an early age. Children have a natural curiosity about the world around them and are particularly fascinated by other living creatures making childhood the ideal time to introduce humane education.

  • What is the SCAN FOUNDATION?

  • SCAN FOUNDATION its a non-profit organization dedicated to freeing the homeless animals, and bringing our 'best friend' into the home and family. And protecting animals, through advocacy and education, from neglect, abuse and exploitation.

  • Why and when was the SCAN FOUNDATION created?

  • We were doing rescue work to help dogs and cats abandoned in the city of Trichy ,Tamilnadu. As that small operation attracted more and more animal lovers who wanted to help, it grew into SCAN FOUNDATION, which was incorporated as a nonprofit foundation in 2003.

  • Does SCAN FOUNDATION consider other social issues, such as education, civil rights, defense spending, etc.?

  • No.

  • Are there any internship or job opportunities at SCAN FOUNDATION?

  • We have great opportunities for interns at our headquarters in Chennai. Interns receive housing, lunch five days a week, and a weekly stipend of Rs.250. We also have jobs posted here. You are welcome to apply online.
  • We seeks interns to assist our staff with a number of tasks, ranging from political research and fundraising event support to legislation and general administration work. Students of all backgrounds, and with an interest in animal protection, are encouraged to apply.
  • Interns may work full-time or part-time and can arrange to receive course credit. Superior candidates will demonstrate flexibility and an aptitude for working in a fast-paced environment, as well as a willingness to take on a variety of projects with minimal supervision. Strong writing skills are also needed.
  • Please submit a resume and cover letter, stating why you wish to become an advocate for animals to These positions are located in our Chennai office.

  • What you can do to help?

  • There are many things you can do. The first thing we ask is that you send us your details support our cause to end cruelty to animals and feeding for homeless animals.
  • By doing this you will be joining a dedicated group of animal lovers who are determined to see an end to animal cruelty. You help make the us stronger because the more supporters we have, the louder our voice. We will keep you informed as to how our campaigns are doing and how your support is helping improve animals' lives.

  • Is it true that I can get free stickers, leaflets, and other stuff from you?

  • Yes. If you are interested in spreading the word about animal rights, we would love to send you whatever we can to help you out.
  • Whether you're doing a presentation in class or handing out leaflets at a show, we're here for you. Drop us a line here with what you need and when you need it by, and please be sure to include your address and phone number in case we have any questions before sending your stuff out.
  • Do you have a question that is not answered here? Please email us at:

Business Friends

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Get in touch

If you have any questions about our works and organisation feel free to contact with us and vist our regional office.

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Phone : +91 9 487 487 000

57,Kaba Plaza
L.B.Road , Adyar
Channai - 600 020 .
Tamilnadu. India.